I love snow, watching it, walking in it and in fairness, I don’t mind driving in it either, although you have to even more mindful of the mad fool trying to complete a record-breaking A to B.
I’ve only managed two ‘snow’ walked and camps this season and I thought I would share a few pictures from them.
All pictures were taken on my Huawei P20 Pro in 10MP mode with minimal editing.
22nd Jan 2019

29th Jan 2019
Jay and I headed out on the hunt for snow 🙂
This was to be Jay’s first snow camp. Setting off from Belstone we walked the long way around to West Mill Tor to avoid military activity. Although there was no live firing programmed for the ranges, the military is still very active and can conduct blank firing exercises.

People often say I am mad using the Trailstar with no door in the snow, I always reply why…. careful pitch direction and pitch choice has meant I have only ever had to change the door direction twice in nearly 60 nights under this fantastic shelter.

Are you mad? Camping in the wild is one thing but camping in snow or when you know it’s going to snow is madness and not safe!
Hi Janice,
I can assure you that Jay and I were both very safe. We have the correct gear and experience to walk and camp in those conditions and winter camping is something enjoyed by many across the world.
People wishing to camp in the snow/winter should employ common sense before setting off and if they don’t have the right gear or experience they should think twice.